The day when She blabbered everything that happened
MS has this obviously undeniable adoration for this certain guy I haven't met and I would like to think that I would never meet. All there was to it was that first, she talked about the whole thing that happened last Tuesday, which seemed like a prologue. We was about to rant about everything so I was ready for the blow of words. I didn't expect her to start the whole novel with "straight iyang ngion". What's that suppose to mean?! Does the cucumber that's worth a dollar mean anything? I mean really? She cracked up at my complaining about the cucumber issue. She doesn't have to say anything about the grocery store! Does she even know that? Anyway, she went on about her going to the youth thing, and she was late, what kinda responsibe Christ advocate is that? Something is really wrong with MS. She continued on talking and laughing, talking about how he was beside her, same side as her dimples. How he smiles with those straight teeth(erlack!). How ...