Marketing Strategy - 5 steps to getting a CLASSY LAYOUT

If you're an amateur on graphic arts or any of that sort and you need to whip up a layout or something on the last minute then continue reading :)

The easiest ways to conjure up a CLASSY LAYOUT are:
1.  GRADIENT background.
Notice the difference a fade in fade out transition makes in a video? A gradient background is the same thing.    It makes it lighter to look at and easy for the eyes.
2.  A SIMPLE font.
A simple font is important to send the right message.  Fonts with a lot of curves would only be distracting and hard to read.
If you are about to put in pictures and the like, avoid using borders.  It would make the whole layout heavy and solid.  Remember, we are looking for the fastest way to finish a layout without making it seem like it was done in 10 mins.  Making a border would be time consuming.
In order to avoid thinking of any other color to fit your layout.  Use neutral colors like black and white, or use what you used for your gradient background.  Use 1 solid color if you want to emphasize somehting like the price or such to differentiate that something from the entire layout.
Avoid tilting the texts and pictures when placing in your layouts.  Doing this makes the layout direct and less scattered.  Finding the right tilt that would compliment the entire layout would be time consuming, remember that this is a classy layout that doesn't take half a day to make.

The final artwork would look something like what an ad agency took days to perfect.
I may not be an expert but this approach really works.  Open newspapers and online layouts, they would depict the simplicity and class .  :)  ENJOY


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