Saturday Unplanned

Ever notice how things can be awesome when they're unplanned?
Saturday was suppose to be a chill night that would compose mainly of 3 people with a bottle of Jack.
I wasn't really in the mood for the typical Saturday night so I just stayed in my room and opted to hit candy patterns with my phone.  Yes. I'm shallow that way. Candy Crush.  Who could have guessed I would even be interested in the game?! More on that silliness later.
So I was warming my ass in bed while concentrating on the best game on the planet, my friends Ronald and Iggy calls me up and tells me we had to go out.
They insisted.  I change.  Went downstairs.  Got in the car.  Arrived at the venue.

We started the night with a 750ml bottle of Jack.  Chill night.  YEEESSSSSS... for a moment.
as soon as the clock struck 12mn, my friend Hara arrives unexpectedly waiting for her brother to take her home.  So Ronald grabs an empty glass with ice and hands her a glass of my personal favorite

An hour later, Anne and Tren arrives!  Wasn't in the plan but pictures where taken.  All smiles for all of us.  I only had 1 picture on my phone and that was only with Hara so i had to grab another from Anne's insta.

The night ended with an additional bottle of JD and a bill that wasn't meant for a chill night.

Unplanned Saturdays must be something planned! :D


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