MISS AMERICA 2014 : Racism and American Stupidity

I wanna rant about the aftermath of Miss America 2014.  And how people gave negative racist comments about a woman of Indian decent was able to win Miss America granting that is was 4 days after the 9-11 incident.  People were lang calling her Miss Terrorist or something or linking her with the Al Queda.  They were like say "This is Miss AMERICA". Hello?  Nina Davuluri is an America citizen. It's called Ms. America, not "Miss White Caucasian America".

Americans should be reminded that the original Americans, the so called native american are brown like the Indians (Pocahontas), are not WHITE!  White Americans have no right to be racists about it because a girl of Indian decent has as much right to be crowned Miss America as the Caucasian whites. Caucasian whites came from Europe or something right?  What's the big deal having a brown girl winning Miss America 2014?

In summary, A NATIVE AMERICAN should win Miss America simply because, her ancestry is really from AMERICA.  And not some blonde white Caucasian white girl.

Americans can be racist sometimes that they forget where they came from.  Review your American history

I need a better picture of Nina Davuluri.


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