There are those days in high school where you wake up one morning and realize, 'hey, wasn't I suppose to be studying last night?'. There were some days in high school when you found yourself staring at the teacher without thinking about what he was trying to teach you but what the world was about to offer you when the class is over. There are times when you'd think, "hmm, asa kha mi mag eat after class?" or those instances when your friends would invite you for tempura outside school and hog every spot to clumsily gobble down every savory inch of the sweet sauce that manong has been selling for a decade and that no vendor can compare to. There were those trying moments when everybody was getting more than two pierces and that's not just for girls, and you thought, "kasaban kha kong teacher nene?" Every inch of you're body would start to ich when you know you don't have anything to write on the blank answer sheet in front of you and tha...
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