About Being Pinoy

I just read a blog post that was posted on Facebook about the aspects of why he's not proud to be Filipino.

Well, point taken, there are some really hurtful truths to the content. Though harsh, it did have meat in it. 

Although I agree to all the things being said in the blog posts, I'd just like to point how we can actually be a change to everything that he posted.  This is due to me being always positive about life and what it has to offer, in general, whether Filipino or not. :)

1. Filipinos are rude, undisciplined and inconsiderate
Yeap. We seem to be, especially when it comes to traffic conduct and manners as stated as an example. I can totally relate to this! Totally :) 
What we can do about it though, is to practice simple politeness in everyday life. Just like what we used to be taught in our younger years, just because everybody's doing it doesn't mean you have to, makes the world less... Cruel:) So just be patient when stuck in traffic (either you're the passenger or driver). Feels good to stay calm and smile.

2.  Filipinos are overly emotional
Yep. Another score! True enough, in general, we are all emotional. Too emotional that we want our kids to stay with us til they have grandchildren of their own or something. Letting go for us is just too hard. And someone's life story is always the basis for winning a championship or something. Haha! Even teleseryes are 90% drama! LOL
What we can do about this is just think about what the better outcome of the situation will be if we were just a bit detached. And if you're being told a story  or a fact, always validate it's truthfulness and if that's too much of a luxury, just backtrack a bit on his history, career, family and other stuff that you think would be important. What has he done? Something like that (referring to electing politicians).

3. Filipinos lack a sense of self-responsibility
We do! Hell we do! Cause we got used to the slavery trait we got from our colonizers that if someone picks up our trash it means we're better than them, oh yes that feeling of almighty-ness. 
A simple self remedy to this is to practice empathy, like, what would you do or feel if you're in the place of these people who clean after you? Or what would you feel if you're the animal who lived in a dirty environment (like the park/manila bay) caused by seemingly more intelligent creations of God? Still, always practice, just because others do it, you should to. 
P.S. I promise to wash my own dishes from now on

4.  Filipinos rely heavily on external factors and forces for validation
Well i sort of agree to this too cause most of us really don't want to piss off the other person by speaking our minds out. Or we don't want to go against the norm. Being different is just too much for us to handle so we depend on outer forces to tell us what we need to hear.  It's sort of a good and bad thing, we're not that offensive at times but we also beat around the bush.  Sometimes we wait for what the other person thinks then weigh them if our thoughts connect or something. 
My simple act of remedy to this trait is to always be honest. Live simply, live humbly. :)

5.  Filipinos take cristicism and alternative approaches /points of view bery poorly. 
Haha! This trait has my name written ALL OVER IT! LOOL. It's funny but it's not something to be proud of. I should really practice what I should write here. Here goes. In simple ways, always be open minded and think about the benefits and consequences of your actions. Being told off doesn't mean you're opinions or actions don't matter, it just means that there is a better alternative :) breath breath breath, then speak.

6. Filipinos set abominably low standards for themselves
I used to have a boss who hated mediocrity! Sir ALA King would always tell us (every 10am) to always raise the bar. When we showed him something good today, he expects something better tomorrow. He's actually right, when I browsed through my previous proposals and activities from the very beginning, I realized the improvement I was able to make. He was one of those entrepreneurs who never gave up and who never lost hope to the things he's passionate about (like boxing). 
The simple act if recovery here and that should be practiced everyday, is to be contended but never settle for anything less. Cryptic huh? But I think what matters here is that as long as it's for the benefit of all and you're not hurting anyone then you should not settle for less, always be better. On another note, be contented with the improvements you're making along the way. :)

7. Filipinos are lazy and unimaginative
Says here that society is not as encouraging as how they should be to our own artists. Yes, but I think slowly right now we're keeping up. We're being able to recognize creativity and awesomeness :) it's not an instant thing to happen but there have been changes in private instituitions and companies, the government and public offices should follow soon. They're still just too busy putting up a serious face:D

8.  Filipinos harbor a skewed concept of freedom
Hail democracy!!!:) i learned in gradeschool that freedom and democracy are two different things. My civics teacher said that democracy what free will be to government while freedom is like a YOLO moment for us. We think that we have the right so that means we should straight up and do it, regardless of the consequences. :/
Another simple gesture for this should be, be kind to our future generations. Think ahead. Ahead means NOW. So think now of what your actions might lead to in the future, and not because someone gave you 100 pesos ;p

Whew! That was long! Too tired to browse through what I wrote so I'm just going to take a nap and edit it afterwards:) hihi

So to sum it all up, all I can say about this post is that we should ALWAYS BE KIND, even if others cannot and will not:). He speaks and does things in mysterious ways, and since we can't bring our brand new CITY VX in the after life, better invest in kindess while we're still young :) <3


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